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About Tony Ærcyus Christie

Tony Ærcyus Christie is a Messenger of Oneness, mystic, spiritual teacher, author, artist, inspirational speaker, and labyrinth consultant. He  brings messages and teachings of oneness through his work. He has been working with the labyrinth for eighteen years. He teaches about the labyrinth as a symbol of Oneness, as a symbol of the interconnectedness of all of existence, and as a symbol of you. He works with the labyrinth as a healing tool, and a safe space to explore your journey in life.

Tony is author of the book “Labyrinth: Your Path to Self Discovery and creator of the Labyrinth Wisdom Cards, a deck of 48 guidance and inspirational cards based on the symbolism in the labyrinth that reflects aspects of your journey in life.  This deck of labyrinth wisdom cards highlights the symbolism embedded in the labyrinth, and assists you in accessing your inner wisdom. These labyrinth wisdom cards will guide you to finding answers to questions, advice in difficult situations, and encouragement on your path in life.

In his one-to-one spiritual mentoring, and healing sessions Tony guides you through where you are at to a place of oneness.

Shortly after leaving his public service job in 2015, he received a new healing modality based on the labyrinth called Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing. He has been sharing this new healing modality to assist people in rebalancing their energies and empowering them to fulfil their life purposes. He also teaches the three levels of the Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing: Foundation, Practitioner and Master/Teacher.

Tony has presented workshops in many countries including Ireland, UK, Canada, USA, Australia, Hong Kong, and the Netherlands. He speaks at events and conferences with a view to inspiring and uplifting those present.

Tony is a lifetime member of The Labyrinth Society, and an Advanced Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator.  He is a qualified reflexologist, a Reiki Master, Advanced PSYCH-K facilitator, Certified Space Clearing practitioner, and a practitioner of Kriya Yoga.

About The Labyrinth

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol usually circular in shape that contains one path leading from the outside to the centre. When placed on the ground the labyrinth can be used as a walking meditation. The labyrinth represents our journey to our centre and back out again.



"Using the cards!!! Always fun to see how they fit the moment!!! THANKS!”


"I was blessed to have the opportunity to buy Tony's Labyrinth Wisdom cards at the TLS Gathering. They are beautiful and inspired.”


"I also got this deck and loved listening to Tony describe the creative process that lead him through the birthing of these incredibly beautiful cards”

Kathleen McGowan

“I am loving Tony Christie’s amazing, beautiful, powerful Labyrinth Wisdom Cards. They are a must for all labyrinth lovers” – Kathleen McGowan (Author of ‘The Expected One’ and the ‘Book of Love’)


"Wow ! What an amazing several days .. still processing it " Jenzy


“Tony’s cards are a work of art in devotion to the One. Gift yourself a deck and attend one of his workshops. Your life will be deeply touched by grace as mine is after spending 4 days with him: feeling expanded and grounded all in the same breath.” Mark Healy, Australia