Small Openings and Amazing Results – Tony Christie

In life, you experience a series of doorways, gateways and openings to love, light and wisdom; that if taken will bring you to a higher state of existence.

You are at a gate, a doorway, an opening.  Perhaps like me you got here via a circuitous route – the labyrinth of life.  Rather than looking back to see how you got here, pausing briefly to consider where you are can bring you to realize that you are at the doorway to your future; the entrance to the integration of your inner and outer worlds; a gateway to self-discovery and to fulfilling your life’s purpose.

It is sometimes the small things in life that serve as openings to the most wondrous events and meetings. My first encounter with the Cygnus Review appeared to be one of these small things – and it might nearly not have happened. I sometime wonder how different my life would have been if I hadn’t followed the prompting of my intuition many years ago.

When you are in tune with your intuition and find synchronicities happening to you that you cannot always explain, you are following the guidance that you are receiving. You may first become aware of this when you notice yourself choosing one thing over another just because it feels right, or having to go someplace even though it may not always make sense. I remember following an urge in 2004 to go to a health food store and restaurant in Cork. I had been there only a few days before and had stocked up on everything I needed, so I couldn’t fully understand my “need” to go back there. I decided to drive by and said to myself that if I got a parking space nearby that I would go in. There was a parking space right outside the door! I went in and walked all around the shop and didn’t find anything that I needed.

I moved along to the restaurant entrance where there were many notices and information leaflets about all kinds of activities, mainly of a mind, body, and spirit nature. In one of the information racks someone had left a magazine with reviews of mind/body/spirit books. These were old editions of Cygnus Review, and it was the first time I had seen or heard of it. I flicked through one of these and read the start of the editorial that spoke about powerful cosmic energies that were coming through in mid to late 2003 that would have significant life-changing events for many people. That was around the time that I divorced, and so I was intrigued by what I was reading. Not having much time, I picked up the three or four other Cygnus Review magazines that were left there and brought them home with me to read later.

As I was going through the Cygnus Review magazines at home, I noticed a person’s name and address on the back of one of them. As I was looking to meet up with like-minded people who were interested in spiritual topics, I took a chance and wrote a letter to the lady whose name was on the back of the magazine. I received a phone call from her shortly afterwards saying that she had a meditation group at her house every Sunday evening and would I like to come along. I started going to the Sunday evening gatherings. A few months later, there was a dream workshop happening at this woman’s house. It was at this dream workshop that I met Fionnuala. Fionnuala is now my wife. The woman who left the magazines in the shop was one of Fionnuala’s best friends, and she didn’t realise that her name and address was on the back of some of them.

It was Fionnuala who introduced me to the labyrinth. She had a deck of Angela McGerr’s Angel Cards and asked me one evening to pick one. It was called ‘Melchizedek’s Labyrinth’. My labyrinth journey from that one card has taken me all over the world, brought much wisdom and insights that I share through my Labyrinth Wisdom Cards, and gifted me a new for of healing called Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing.

When you listen to the guidance you are receiving and follow it, even if doesn’t appear to make sense, you are opening a doorway to endless possibilities. One of my greatest learnings with the labyrinth is an awareness of the significance of every moment. When you fully live in the presence of every moment, you are walking your own path to self discovery, and tapping into the oneness of all of existence!