
You are part of the human family. All the people in your life are there for a reason. Everyone you meet has some gift or message for you, and you for them. It may be a fleeting smile as you pass someone on the street, or something hugely significant that someone says to you or does for you.

Other people can help you advance on your life’s journey. They can act as mirrors for those aspects of yourself that you need to become aware of and change. It is not always easy to see ourselves in others. Yet, the Universe is always sending you messages and signals.

You also have some gift or message for everyone you meet. You have a valuable contribution to make to all the people in your life. Look for the learning and growth in your interactions with others.

As a human, you must also look after your physical body. Taking care of your body is part of your spiritual path. Eat well, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. You will then be more ready for all the opportunities that are presented to you, and to make your contribution to our human family.

In Love Light and Wisdom, Tony