If you are reading this, you are waking up.  You may already be awake.  And I don’t mean from a good night’s sleep.  I mean from thousands of years of humanity seemingly blindly going about its business; and you not knowing who you were or where you were going.

You have lived many lifetimes and learned in each one. Now, you are ready to move into a full relationship with yourself as a spiritual being while living on earth. Despite what may seem like enormous problems and troubles facing the world, you are becoming aware of yourself on a new level. When you put together the knowledge that you have gained, the insights that you are receiving and the practice of living in truth, you are part of this awakening. And this awakening is changing humanity.

Waking up is only the beginning.  When you become aware of, and experience yourself, as a divine infinite being you step into a new level of awareness of yourself and the world around you. This waking up of your soul and the soul of humanity is a pivotal event in the universe. It is creation in action. It is a turning point in consciousness as you become aware that your every thought, word and action is contributing to the evolutionary process.

The great peace that comes with connecting with your soul or divine spirit is felt so deeply that words cannot adequately describe how you feel.  Your mind quietens and you realise that the chattering mind is silent.  Yet, you are fully conscious and aware of yourself and everything around you; but on a different level. You are so fully and totally aware of your inner spiritual beingness that you just wish to stay in that state all of the time. And you will. That is where humanity is going: to live in a fully aware and conscious state all of the time.  It starts with short brief moments, and each time you enter this space of oneness with yourself, you get more used to it and it lasts longer.

We are moving individually and collectively to live in a state of total awareness all of the time. You do not have to figure out or try to explain what is happening. You know on the deepest level of your heart and highest level of your soul that what you are now experiencing is one of the main reasons that you came to earth at this time.

When you live in this state of awareness, and not in the ego-driven mind of incessant thoughts, you are living on a higher level of consciousness that is your soul path. You become aware that this higher consciousness is within you and you seek more and more of it.  You are in the process of uniting with consciousness itself. You are now an active participant in the happenings on earth, consciously aware of what is happening around you and choosing to live from a higher vibration and awareness. You are choosing to live the way of peace and love.

In Love Light and Wisdom, Tony