Labyrinth angels are all around you. Most of them you can’t see. Although a few of them may be in human form.  The fifth petal of the centre of the Chartres labyrinth represents the angelic realm. This realm is of a high vibration close to the divine.

Angels assist you in many ways, acting on your senses and your imagination to prompt you and bring insights at certain times and in certain situations. 

Angels are always willing to help; but you must be willing to ask for help and be open to receiving it. When you ask, let go of any attachment to a particular outcome. While you may have an image in your head of what the Angels’ help looks like, your angels can have a different idea. So, be open to receiving help in unexpected ways and even through unexpected people who come into your life.

And remember to thank your angels when you know that they have helped you.

In Love Light and Wisdom, Tony