To the Labyrinth and Beyond…
To the Labyrinth and Beyond Artwork by Tony Christie


“Step through the coils attaining the place,

Dimensional doorway through time and space,

Labyrinth opening to Heaven’s gate.”


To the Labyrinth and Beyond

This is the painting that I created for the TV show “Bridging Heaven and Earth” a few years ago.  It depicts the labyrinth as a bridge between Heaven and Earth.

When you step into the labyrinth you are not only stepping onto that bridge, you become the bridge.  You are the connection between the divine and the earthly.  You are the labyrinth and the labyrinth is you.

The labyrinth is a symbol of oneness, and a tool for attaining oneness.  Through the labyrinth you are connected to all of existence; you are the connection to all of existence. Heaven and earth are united in you.  The feminine and the masculine are united in you. There is no separation.

When you are in the state of oneness, you are living a fulfilled life, and you are creating from a place of unity.  Time to start creating.  To the labyrinth and beyond…
