I have been asked many times if labyrinths have ever appeared in crop circles. For several years I was of the understanding that a labyrinth had never appeared in a crop circle. And in some ways that may still be the case. Yet, there are some crop circles so closely related to labyrinth that a definite connection between them is undeniable.
Crop circles
There are almost as many explanations for crop circles as there are unanswered questions about them. The mystery surrounding crop circles, and the way they appear in complex formations in a relatively short period of time leads many to consider that there is a super-intelligent non-human energy involved in their creation. The increasingly intricate and detailed patterns, that are sometimes identified as having multifaceted associations, link crop circles with many other geometric, cosmic and spiritual phenomena.
What is a Crop Circle?
Crop circles are usually large and often intricate patterns that appears mysteriously in crops. Crop circles are often only fully viewable from the air. They are found worldwide, although Wiltshire in England is recognized as the centre of crop circle activity. While undoubtedly some crop circles are man-made, there are others whose creation can be attributed to non-human forces. These ones are characterized by the stalks of the grain not being broken when they are flattened to form the pattern and continuing to grow after being flattened. Also, the nodes of the stalks in ‘energetic’ crop circles become enlarged.
Labyrinth Type Patterns in Crop Circles
Several labyrinthine patterns have appeared in crop circles. Intricate walkable paths such as the double spiral type designs found at Portsdown Hill, Hampshire on 10 June 2004 and Windmill Hill on 13 July 2011 are related to labyrinths, but not specifically unicursal labyrinths as generally understood: that is having one path from the outside where the path travels through all parts of the labyrinth.
Labyrinth and Crop Circle Connections
The crop circle that appeared at Redlynch, Somerset on 22 June 2015 is a circular labyrinth Ottfrid type design (photo by Lucy Pringle). At first it appears that it is a complete labyrinth; although on closer examination, the second circuit from the outside is not accessible. It is possible however to pass through the other six circuits on your way from the outside to the centre.
The Seed Pattern in a Crop Circle
A crop circle that formed near Lewisham Castle near Aldbourne, in Wiltshire on 6 August 2004 (photo by Lucy Pringle) is sometimes referred to as a ‘squares’ pattern. It is also very similar to the 9 x 9 magical square of the moon.
In this crop circle you can clearly see the seed pattern for the classical labyrinth with an equal armed cross, L-shaped brackets in each quadrant, and four dots. What is different in this crop circle from the well-known seed pattern is that the seed pattern in this crop circle is drawn diagonally, as opposed to the usual way of vertical and horizontal lines.
The appearance of labyrinth related crop circles is an illustration of the connections between your outer and inner worlds and is an indication of the inter-connectedness of all of existence. There is more information about labyrinths’ connections with crop circles and magical squares in my book “Labyrinth: Your Path to Self Discovery”.