Mother Point

The first of the nine turning points on the classical labyrinth is associated with your sense of safety and security. Your primary source of security is your mother, from whom you get your first sense of being loved and nurtured.

Some of your safety and security issues may stem from the mothering you received.
Whatever type of mothering you got from your mother, she was doing her best under her own circumstances at that time. So, thank your mother for all she did for you and the lessons and learning that she gave you.

You also wouldn’t be here without your mother. Take a moment to thank her for the gift of being born in the physical body that you now occupy.

Mother Connection

Your mother brought you into this world and is part of your life for a reason. If you have not received the mothering that you would have liked, then you need to allow that to be now, and move on.

You may need to cut ties or build bridges. It is time to let go of any negativity around your mother and focus your energies on yourself. Letting go of the energy of past issues is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Mother Yourself

Mothering now is about you. If you still have mothering issues it helps to identify them and then see how you can give yourself the love and nurturing that you need.

You are now in charge. It is time to take full responsibility for your life and finding your own place of security within yourself. It is also about looking after yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Eat well, get enough rest, take quiet times our for yourself, and be kind and compassionate to yourself. Train your mind so that it is a wonderful servant, and not your master. Feed your soul essence by taking quiet times to pause and contemplate?

Nourish yourself and nurture your unique gifts like a loving and supportive mother would. Tell yourself how wonderful you are. Praise yourself for all that you do good. Focus on the positives. Where you see room for improvement, encourage yourself. Do not judge.

Be proud of yourself for getting to this stage of your life. Send love to all parts of you. Love your body. Love your mind. Love your emotions. And most importantly, love your Spirit.

Giving Birth

The ‘Mother’ card is also a reminder that everything new must be birthed. It sometimes involves a little pushing for the new you to emerge. It is time for you to give birth to your own light. It is time for you to bring your light to the world. In the process you need to let go of the old ways that no longer serve you, and step into the new you. You may need to make some changes in the way you think, speak and act so that you are supporting the true you that is emerging.

Earth Mother

The card is also a reminder of Mother Earth who nurtures your everyday being through providing food, shelter and life-enhancing energies.

The image on the card features the “Paps of Anu” – two breast shapes mountains in Ireland said to be the breasts of the Earth Goddess Anu, or Danu. These are a reminder to you that you also find safety and nurturing from Mother Earth. It may be time for you to be in nature, or to connect with the earth in a way that is right for you.

Remember also that you are walking on Mother Earth who can nurture you in many practical ways. Go for a walk on the beach or in the woods, or swim in her cleansing waters.

Divine Mother

On a higher level, the card recognises your Divine Mother. Your spiritual life also involved a birthing. It involves many birthing, or rebirthings. You are being watched over by the Divine Mother. You are loved unconditionally.

Sun Seed of Life

The card also features the Sun seed in the womb of life. Take a few moments to focus on the Divine light within you. Become aware of the light that you are carrying within. And when you are ready, bring forth your light to the world.

In Love Light and Wisdom

The Paps of Anu