Flower of Life

One of the oldest known Flower of Life symbol is found on one of the pillars of the Osirion II temple at Abydos in Egypt. The symbol is created by a series of interconnecting circles forming a beautiful and powerful flower like symbol.

The Flower of Life is a blueprint for all of creation on earth. When lines are drawn between the intersecting points of these circles, all known two and three dimensional geometric shapes can be found. And, it contains the foundation for all other sacred patterns and sacred geometry, including the Kaballah tree of life. Also, it contains the early sequence of the growth of the fertilised embryo as it divides. The Flower of life is a symbol that reminds you of your origins.

There is a design to everything in the Universe. You are part of this design. Therefore, you are interconnected with all of existence: with the growth in nature, with the movements of the planets, with everything that is happening around you.

You grow and develop similarly to the flower of life. As you move through your life each event is represented by a new circle being added to your flower. So, everything in your life is interconnected. Nothing happens by accident, and there is a meaning and purpose to everything. As you grow and develop on your personal and spiritual paths, you begin to blossom into a beautiful flower.

Chartres Labyrinth

The Chartres Labyrinth is also a symbol of your life and your journey in life.  Its many turns and paths reflect the changes in your life and the new directions that you take.

Built into the floor of Chartres Cathedral in 1201, the labyrinth has one path from the outside to the centre. As you move through the labyrinth you pass through the four quadrants representing the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. The labyrinth has a quietening effect on the mind and helps bring you into a state of greater awareness of yourself and the world around you.

Combined Symbols

Together, the Flower of Life and the Chartres Labyrinth combine to illustrate the design of the Universe and the path for you to take through it.  consequently, they are a reminder that there is a design and pattern to everything in the Universe, including you.

Your creation is inherent in the flower of life and your journey in life is inherent in the labyrinth. Together, they create a totality of form and function that reflects your life. You are a totality of form and function. You are complete. You are perfect. You are related to everything in the Universe

They are both symbols of Oneness. You can find in the centre of both symbols the still point, the “calm” centre at which we get in touch with our true nature.

Contemplating these Two Designs

When superimposed on one another the Flower of Life and the Chartres labyrinth create a design greater than the sum of their parts. Meditating on the combined symbol is a practice that brings you to the centre: the centre of the flower of life, the centre of the labyrinth, the centre of you and the centre of all of existence.

All of creation emanates from the centre. Take a moment to contemplate the patterns of creation. Seek an awareness of yourself as part of creation, and the greater design for you and everyone and everything around you.

You were created for a reason. Hence, you are here for a reason. And everything around you is here for a reason. Everything is interconnected. Everything you do, feel and think is connected to the world and the people around you. So, there is no separation, except in the mind.

As you contemplate the wonder and enormity of you being here, the inter-connectedness of everything and everyone around you becomes clear. When you begin to see these connections, your life and awareness shifts to another level. You begin to live your life in a state of unity consciousness – in a state of oneness.

Live your life with this awareness of yourself and everything around you.