Death and Rebirth

The labyrinth is a symbol of death and rebirth. It helps you let go of what you no longer need; what no longer serves you. Your labyrinth path is one of birth, death, and rebirth. The path of death is also the path of rebirth. Life leads to death, and death to rebirth.

When you step into the labyrinth of life, you step into the freedom and life enhancing act of letting go. In the labyrinth you are symbolically moving through your life. You are leaving behind your unwanted baggage from the past. That part of your life is no more.

Letting Go

You may need to consciously decide what you need to let go of. You may be holding on to things, and ways of thinking and being without checking to see if that is who you now are. Some aspects of your life may have run their course. Acknowledge them and let them go. Look to who you are now and the wonderful new things and ways of being that are coming to you.


As you walk the labyrinth path of life to your centre you allow what no longer serves you to drop away, freeing up space for something new to be born in you. When you reach your personal centre in the labyrinth you are like the phoenix, consumed and regenerated by the flames of transformation and transfiguration. You are being reborn.

The New you

Coming out of the labyrinth you bring the new you into the world to live, love, and create in a new way. Old ways are no longer sufficient to meet the needs of the person you are becoming. It is time to embrace the new life that is unfolding before you.

You are meant to feel alive. You are meant to feel vibrant. Hanging onto ‘baggage’ can slow you down and hold you back. Creating space for new things to come into your life is liberating and life enhancing. There are wonderful new things waiting out there for you.

The Cycle of Life in the labyrinth

Everything is dying. Everything is being reborn. Nothing is static; everything is changing. All around you and within you change is happening. The circle of life and death that you are part of is symbolised by the Uroborus swallowing its own tail circling the labyrinth in the picture.

Your life takes many twists and turns and may appear to be going in many directions. When you view your life as a whole, it is perfect and beautiful. The twists and turns, stops and starts, all make up the beautiful pattern that is your life. Within this pattern of your life things are always changing.

Symbolism for you

Just as the Phoenix rises from the ashes of the fire that destroyed it’s past, you also are rising into a new life that leaves your past behind. If you hold on too tightly to your past you will be restricted and stuck. The energy of some of your past actions, activities and relationships no longer inspires and energises you. It is time to let them go.

The scarab in the image is an ancient Egyptian symbol of rebirth. It was seen rolling a ball of dung and burying it in the sand, from where many young scarab then emerged. You have the seeds of new ideas and new actions within you. These are ready to emerge; and you are ready for them to emerge.

Endings and Beginnings

Life is a series of little endings and beginnings.  When you realise that things are always changing, then you are tapping into your inner wisdom. There is something new awaiting you when you let go of the old.

Leave behind what is dead for you. Give life to what is new.