The Triple Spiral at Newgrange, Ireland

The triple spiral is an ancient symbol found carved into the rocks at the megalithic mound at Newgrange, Ireland. The triple spiral represents all things that come in threes, and is symbolic of wholeness, completeness and unity. The triple spiral holds the key to the integrity and interdependence of all of existence. 

It represents aspects of your life and world that occur in threes, such as birth, death and rebirth and the three aspects of the Goddess – virgin, mother and crone. This triad symbol evokes the energy of all groups of three aspects including the unity of mind, body and spirit; and the three divisions of time – past, present and future.

Triple Spiral Labyrinth

The triple spiral labyrinth that I designed enables you to move fully through each of the three spirals and interact with them. This labyrinth version illustrates how you make your way to the centre of your life’s issues and back out again.  Your walk through the labyrinth reflects what is happening in your life, and you can feel different sensations in each of the three spirals.


You are on a journey of growth and integration. The cycle of birth, death and rebirth is a reminder to you that while you have everything within you to make yourself complete, you are going through a period of renewal. Some new things are being born within you, parts of you that you no longer need are dying away, and other aspects are being reborn.

You first begin to notice this unity and oneness within yourself. You notice that all aspects of your life are starting to fit together seamlessly. As you become more at one within yourself, you are also aligning with what appears to be outside of you. The people in your life seem more tuned in to who you are and what you are doing. You begin to feel an increasing affinity with the world around you: with nature, with your environment, and even with the cosmos. The more you see these small connections, the stronger is your awareness of the oneness of all of existence.

In the Flow

When you live in an awareness of this ever-changing, ever-growing flow, your life becomes more peaceful and vibrant at the same time. Everything is always changing. Nothing stays the same, so your approach to these changes dictate your state of being.

Moving on is part of your journey. Give thanks for the past, live in the now, and welcome the new. You are on a journey of ever-increasing growth. Move towards Unity